Post by gggg gggg(2022 Youtube upload)
Anyone who's read Thucydides would answer straight away; not Thucydides.
Anyone who's read Plato would answer straight away; not Plato.
Anyone who's read Aristotle would answer straight away; not Aristotle.
Anyone who's read the surviving plays of Euripides would answer straight
away; not Euripides.
So then, the intellectual elite in Athens didn't believe in the myths;
but what about the uneducated masses, the working stiffs? Did they
believe in them, and perhaps regard the aristocratic sceptics as
strangers? Did those who condemned Socrates believe in them?
Today we have people who believe in the virgin birth of Jesus; that
Mohammed talked to archangel Gabriel in a cave; and more.
Take your pick where you want to belong.