"Do we still need to read and teach the classics?"
(too old to reply)
gggg gggg
2020-11-14 05:47:48 UTC
Rich Alderson
2020-11-14 07:10:16 UTC
Post by gggg gggg
If you actually read the article, you will see that the author is talking about
"classics" in the sense of "The Great Books", like _War and Peace_ or _Jane
Eyre_ (her examples, as it happens).

Take the trouble to look up the charter of this newsgroup (I was one of the
people back in the 1990s who worked to create it, and the humanities
hierarchy), and you will see that it explicitly is *NOT* about those.
Rich Alderson ***@alderson.users.panix.com
Audendum est, et veritas investiganda; quam etiamsi non assequamur,
omnino tamen proprius, quam nunc sumus, ad eam perveniemus.